I am performing myself seeking to capture the uncapturable by discourse moments between dances, translations, words-un-words, repetitions, and transformations. Between you and me, between time, between a past that is now and a now that is constantly changing. And I am constantly changing because memory is an ordination of thoughts at the present moment. Everything is present. I am all the time changing and keeping the same. Like bones - a movable and articulated structure relating to space, time, and you, and language, and meaning, and something that escapes. No matter how much I name it and move and translate it. It escapes.
Escape is welcome because it thrives me to the unknown that I know is there, and that means that you will never define me, and I will never define me, and we will never define me. But I improvise and negotiate expectations, and uneventful events and encounters. You are going to watch-listen-read me today, and you are going to capture me, and I will capture a different me, and we will never capture my-self. And this is beautiful.
Photos: Fenia Kotsopoulou
Video: Daz Disley
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